Thursday, November 12, 2009

Writing for the sake of writing...

I wonder...should I write just for the sake of writing? I don't really have any earth shattering news to talk about when it comes to things these days. Normally I write with a certain topic in mind. Right now, I'm just rambling, but I feel like it's been long enough since I last wrote that maybe I should write something!
Well, here's a topic...the students in the middle schools in my town are participating in a pop song contest. Then they compete at the school level and get narrowed down for the city wide contest. I was asked to work with the students and get them ready for the competition. At first I thought "Wow, piece of cake...teach kids to sing in English...." but then I realized just how hard it would be. The kids participating in this aren't necessarily awesome at English...they can just sing pretty well. So, sometimes getting my point across can be a bit of a challenge. I'm so used to teaching music in English, that it becomes difficult to stray away from those typical words or phrases used in English and try to find other ways to describe what they need to do. I can't exactly pose the "Lift your soft palate" business with them! Their like "Lift my what??" However, as challenging as it may be, it's also very rewarding. I feel my joy in teaching music to these kids, and they think that I'm some amazing singer so it scores me hardcore brownie points when I want them to do something that seems a little off the wall!
Also, I should tell you about 패패로 (Pepero) Day. This is a day that most Koreans say was designed by Lotte (the makers of Pepero) as a marketing scheme. Pepero are these cookie/pretzel type of sticks and they're either filled with or covered in chocolate. Pepero Day is on Novemeber 11th (11.11) because the sticks resemble the date. People are supposed to give pepero to and eat it with their lovers, but it's turned into the same type of deal as Valentine's Day where people give them to classmates, teachers, fellow workers, etc. It was a fun day, and I got 6 boxes of Pepero! I'm gonna be a fatty soon!
So...there's a little look at my week, through Pepero Day and Pop Song Contest preparation...I hope you enjoyed!

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